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Mountain and bike

Mountain biking at Idre Fjälll is one of our most popular activities during the summer and the fall. No wonder when the Magazine Bicycling names us "Best in Sweden". Add a stunning scenery of the mountains Städjan and Nipfjället and old, untouched forests and you will be amazed.


Trail Map

Summers trail map ➚

Summer 2024

Guided Lessons

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Trail Pass

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Trail description


Slättvåla runt is a machine-built flow trail of 6km, signed by the former professional cyclist Andreas Danielsson. The trail winds its way through a beautiful area of ​​pristine pine forest, perfect for those who like to experience nature from the saddle. Naturally, there are some well-chosen resting places for those who want to take a break. We have spiced up the trail with some fun content for those who want to have extra challenges. The trail is graded blue and a possible extension of Fjället runt.

Trail description

Lilla slingan

Lilla Slingan deserves attention even though it is situated a bit offside. This is a great trail with lovely views and not to many roots and stones.

Trail description


A new alternative and easier climb to end the Fjället runt. Gränjesleden is not a consistent uphill but a varied stretch along ridges, beautiful pine forest and open marshland with fantastic views towards Städjan. The total distance is 1.8 kilometers and the trail is graded green, so mainly entry-level cyclists and children will enjoy this on their way up to the Skills area.

Trail description

Fjället runt

A flowy trail which will take you for a tour around Idre Fjäll. Fjället runt is a favorite of many. Sagoskogen, Alla kan and Jippi are parts that provide fun alternation. Fjället runt is sweaty, flowy and funny. Enjoy the ride!